How long has Uplifting Boys To Men serviced the community?
Uplifting Boys To Men has provided services for approximately 16 years.
Where is Uplifting Boys To Men located?
Uplifting Boys To Men is located at 544 108B Mulberry St Macon, GA 31201. However we service Houston County located in the
Warner Robins, GA Metropolitan Area.
Is there a key contact at Uplifting Boys To Men?
Teressa Owens-Payne is the Chief Executive Officer at City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men. You can contact Teressa at (877) 236-9739.
How big is Uplifting Boys To Men?
Uplifting Boys To Men is estimated to generate $5,000 in annual revenues, employs volunteer staff of approximately 5 people at this location
Who is the CEO of Uplifting Boys To Men?
The CEO of Uplifting Boys To Men is Teressa Owens.
What is the phone number for Uplifting Boys To Men?
The phone number for Uplifting Boys To Men is (877) 236-9739
How many people work at City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men?
City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men has approximately 5 volunteer staff members at this location.
Where is City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men incorporated?
City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men is incorporated in the state of Georgia.
What are the annual sales for City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men?
City of Refuge Uplifting Boys To Men generates approximately $5,000 in annual donations.